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River City Choirs Policy 2024-2025


1. Kindness & Inclusiveness 

Singing is very personal. Make sure the things you say and do build and strengthen other members of the group. Unkindness of any kind - physical, verbal, or otherwise - will not be tolerated and may result in dismissal from the choir.


2. Attendance 

The choirs rehearse during Fall and Spring semesters. Each semester typically contains 12-16 rehearsals. Please note the following:


  • Being on time means you are in your seat ready to sing by choir start time. 

  • The maximum number of absences per semester is three. 

  • Please inform the director as soon as possible if you need to miss rehearsal. 

  • It is the student’s responsibility to learn any music missed during absences. 

  • Excessive absences may result in dismissal from the choir.


3. Performances 

Scheduled performances are mandatory. Carefully look at the dates on the calendar and notify the director as soon as possible of any conflicts. Occasionally, we will be asked to sing at an unscheduled event. We will send out an email asking for input if this occurs.


4. Concert Dress 

Students are responsible to provide their own concert attire. Concert dress allows the choirs to be visually unified. 


Both Choirs

Hair needs to be tidy, a natural hair color, and not cover the face. Shoe heels need to be no more than two inches high. Skirts and dresses need to be knee length or longer. Dresses and blouses need to have sleeves, cover the back, and not show bra straps or cleavage. Keep any accessories, jewelry, makeup, and hosiery subtle and simple. 


Children’s Choir

A white dress shirt or blouse with black slacks or skirt, and black shoes. If wearing slacks, students should wear black dress socks that cover the ankles.


Youth Choir

All in black unless specified otherwise.

For young men: button-down collar shirt, necktie, slacks, socks that cover your ankles, and shoes.

For young women: dress, or skirt and blouse, shoes, and bare legs or flesh colored hose.            


5. Music 

Each student is assigned a numbered folder. Each piece of music in that folder has the same number. All music must be returned at the end of the semester. Keep track of your music – if you lose it you will have to pay replacement costs! Please number your measures and make other markings in pencil only.


6. Rehearsal Etiquette

  • Silence and put away all electronic devices, including phones, during choir.

  • No food, chewing gum, or drinks other than water during rehearsal.

  • When another section is rehearsing follow along in your music. Quietly humming your own part is okay unless otherwise instructed.


7. Facilities 

Please be good choir ambassadors in whatever facility we are using. Be respectful of both people and the physical surroundings. This includes using inside voices, not running and rough-housing, eating only in designated areas, and cleaning up when we are finished.


8. Families 

Families are welcome to visit our rehearsals at any time. We ask that you are respectful and listen quietly. We do not provide childcare. Any children not participating in choir must remain with an adult and be closely supervised. Please see number 7 for more details.


9. Cancellations 

If choir is cancelled for any reason, we will notify you by text and email as soon as possible. Please make sure your contact information is up to date!


10. Registration & Tuition 

Tuition is $45 per semester for the first student in an immediate family and $40 per semester for each additional student in the family. Students ages 8-14 may register for Children's Choir. While Youth Choir is open to students ages 12 to 18, students who are ages 12 or 13 must have previously sung with Children's Choir or have the approval of the choir director to register for Youth Choir.



© 2024 River City Choirs - Jefferson City Home Educators

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