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Interested in Joining?


Students ages 8 to 14 may register for Children's Choir. Youth Choir is open to students ages 12 to 18; however, students who are ages 12 and 13 must have previously sung with Children's Choir or have the approval of the choir director to register for Youth Choir. If you need more information, our complete Choir Policy can be found here.


River City Choirs are part of Jefferson City Home Educators. Registration for the spring semester runs from November 11 - December 10 and is a calendar event on December 10 on JCHE's website. If you are not a member of Jefferson City Home Educators, please contact River City Choirs.


Tuition is $45 per semester for the first student in an immediate family and $40 per semester for the second student in the family. The third student is $15, for a max of $100 tuition per family.


​Choir Letters (4 semesters in youth choir: $23) and Chevrons (6+ semesters in youth choir: $11) will be an additional charge to be paid at spring semester sign-up. Please contact River City Choirs before paying if you think your child has earned one.


Both choirs rehearse at First Church of God from 9:30-11:30 on Friday Mornings during the school year.


  • Fall Semester Choir begins the first Friday after Labor Day and concludes the second week of December.

  • Spring Semester Choir begins the second Friday after New Year's Day and concludes the second week of May.


Students provide their own performance attire. Please see the Choir Policy for the complete dress code. 


Questions? Please send us a message.

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© 2024 River City Choirs - Jefferson City Home Educators

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